JOBSMONT offers a powerful job search engine that allows Job Seekers to interact with Employers in a way not possible through existing job search sites. With our experience in the job sourcing industry, JOBSMONT combines our knowledge into an online experience aimed to ease the process and costs associated with getting a job and hiring an employee. Having experience with many people in need of employment or looking for a change, we understand that Job Seekers need to be more than just a resume. JOBSMONT gives Job Seekers a high level of personal branding by combining their traditional resume with a personalized Video Resume and social media integration. This gives Employers an opportunity to "meet" candidates before bringing them in for an interview, and gives Job Seekers a competitive advantage in a flooded marketplace.

Why should I use JOBSMONT?
JOBSMONT allows Job Seekers to enrich their ability to reach Employers in a unique and meaningful fashion. In our opinion differentiation is the key to getting an Employer's attention, and therefore getting a job. Through Video Resumes, JOBSMONT offers the ability for Job Seekers to present themselves directly to Employers, sharing their personality and experience in a short well thought out video pitch. JOBSMONT streamlines the hiring process for Employers by eliminating the stress, guess work, and error from filing through resumes, creating a better company fit by allowing Employers to 'meet' job candidates before the interview. JOBSMONT creates flexibility with video interview capabilities and gives Employers confidence in always making the best hire.

How do I create an account?
To create an account, simply click the "Job-Seeker" tab and then click on "click-here" for new user and register yourself.

Do I need an account to view job opportunities?
Yes, to take advantage of the great opportunities available on JOBSMONT, you are required to register for a profile. However, registration takes very little time and will give you the opportunity to apply for jobs instantly when you find the right match. Simply click “JOB Seeker” button on homepage.

If I fill out my profile completely, do I still need to upload my resume?
Although you are not required to, we highly recommend that you do upload your resume to give Employers a more complete look at your skills and work history. Your profile sets the stage, your video pitch tells the story, and your resume acts as an appendix filled with more detailed information.

Do I need to post a video link?
Yes, your Video Resume is what sets you apart from other job applicants. On other job websites, Employers have to filter through hundreds of written resumes. On JOBSMONT, your profile gives you the opportunity to make a unique first impression with Employers, putting you on the right path to landing a job.

How can I increase my profile views?
Fill out your JOBSMONT video profile completely and honestly. Also, be sure to utilize keywords associated with your top skills, because Employers will use these to search for resumes and Video Resumes that match the job positions they are trying to fill.

How does the job placement process work?
The job placement process starts by registering with us at JOBSMONT.com online. You can upload your resume in text or video or both formats. After reviewing your resume, JOBSMONT recruiter will contact you and discuss your goals and career path and then accordingly look for suitable position appropriate for you. JOBSMONT will contact you if your application is a match for any open positions.

I was dismissed from my last position. What do I tell prospective employers when they ask why I left?
This is one of the questions that strikes fear into everyone who has been dismissed from a position. The question is about how you respond as what you say. Do not get defensive! That indicates that there is a reason why you should be. Stay positive and indicate that, unfortunately, there wasn't a good match between what your skills were and what the expectations of the company were. Therefore, the decision was made that it would be best to terminate your employment. If further questions are asked, respond in a positive manner that although the situation was difficult, you have had the opportunity to reflect on it, and have come to realize that the decision was best for both parties.

I have more than one job opportunity being presented. How do I make a decision?
When evaluating a new opportunity, ensure that you have enough time to weigh the opportunity, and that you have the full details so that you know the complete package that is being offered. Take time to compare each position to the goals that you set out for your next position. Evaluate what it is that you do not like in your current or previous position, and decide whether either of these positions address those concerns. Put aside the aspects which are the same for both positions, and review which has the higher appeal to you after that. Once you have completed this process, also review the management team and assess which team you feel is a better match to what you require.

What recommendations do you have for shooting a Video Resume?
  • Treat your Video Resume like an interview. You should dress appropriately, be well groomed, and, of course, be prepared. Choose your location wisely to ensure good lighting and a background that looks clean, neat, and professional. Bedrooms and coffee shops typically don't make for the best locations to create a Video Resume.
  • Prepare your Video Resume content in advance. It's better to have a script than to just turn on the camera and try to 'wing it.' Try to use your Video Resume script as a general guideline rather than reading directly from it.

What are the benefits of working on contracts?
Contract work offers many benefits. It allows you the opportunity to evaluate the company and the position before accepting anything on a permanent basis. Many contracts do present permanent jobs with the company. It allows flexibility in work hours and time off. It also allows a variety of positions in which you have an opportunity to learn new skills and improve your technical abilities, while providing you with new challenges. It shows employers that you are able to adapt to new situations and learn quickly. Remuneration is usually slighter higher to compensate for lack of benefits.

Does JOBSMONT continue to support me after I start a job?
Yes. We want you to be successful and happy in your new position, so we will be in touch with you on regular basis. If you are on a temporary assignment that is about to end we will contact you to determine your availability for a new position. We also offer training on certain skills, so you can get the knowledge you need, to enhance your career. If you are interested in knowing more about it, refer to our Corporate Training section on website or contact our office for the same.